The story of a man of God is not complete until they have conformed to the image of the son of God, Jesus Christ. The history of Bishop Samuel Olubayo Sowale reminds us of the life of many faithful biblical prophets and especially that of Paul. In his words to the Corinthians, Paul depicts the life of a faithful Christian as a treasure in an earthen vessel: 

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.” 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 KJV.

The Right Reverend Samuel Olubayo Sowale was born on the 27th of December, 1952, to the family of Pa Lamidi Sowale Idowu Majulejo and Mama Adefuye Sowumi of Isara Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. He grew up as a village boy in Olokuta village, Isara. Samuel is the first of the eight children of his parents. Bishop Sowale’s parents were Muslims, so also were his uncles and their children. None of the family members went to school because, at that time, Muslims abhorred people going to school. As such Western Education was a taboo for Muslims. In the year 1958, Samuel saw children in his village dressed up and were going to school. He was fascinated by their appearances, and he ran after them to school.  The adventure into school was the opening of Samuel’s mind to Christianity. In his primary school, Church Catechism was part of the Bible knowledge curriculum. Samuel was surrounded by many Christian students. The church activities were part of the aspects of the Secondary Modern School years. Samuel, therefore, joined the choir in St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Isara Remo. He enrolled for the Catechism class, and after a few months, he was formally admitted by baptism to the church. 

After secondary modern School, Samuel was employed at a restaurant in Sagamu in the month of April, 1968. In January 1969, Samuel lived with the Rev. Canon Emmanuel Adesanya Odubogun. Every evening after the family prayers, when Mama and others had gone to beds, Papa Canon E.A. Odubogun would make Samuel sit directly opposite him, facing him and studying the prescribed religious books. Little did Samuel know that he was preparing him for the entrance examination to Vining Christian Leadership Center, Akure. 

This journey to Akure was the beginning of Bishop Sowale’s ordained ministry. He had his catechists’ training certificate with distinction in the New Testament (1972); Diploma in Religious Studies with distinction in O.T., N.T. Sociology, Psychology, and Ethics (1977); He got his BA (Hons) 2nd Class upper in Religious Studies, University of Ibadan (1981); MA Religious Studies, University of Ibadan (1983); Post Graduate Certificate in continuing education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada (1985); and Ph.d. (Religious Studies) University of Ibadan (1991) with the thesis “The Old Testament Remnants.” 

Bishop Sowale was ordained into the diaconate on July 2, 1977, by the Rt. Rev. Timothy Omotayo Olufosoye at Christ Anglican Church, Mapo, Ibadan. The then Rev. Samuel Sowale was posted to work at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Iragbiji. This was where he met his darling wife, nee Morenike Bolanle Olatunji. 

In October 1978, He gained admission to the University of Ibadan to pursue my B.A. degree in Religious Studies. He graduated from the University of Ibadan with B.A.(Hons), Second class Upper in 1981. At his graduation, the Head of Department, Professor Awolalu, wanted him to remain in the Department as a Graduate Assistant. He said this on behalf of the Department because of Bishop Sowale’s surpassing knowledge in the languages Greek and Hebrews. The Bishop, however, declined as he said the church needed Rev. Sowale’s expertise. So the Bishop demanded for him from the NYSC, and he was located first to the Cathedral Church of St. James’, Oke-Bola, Ibadan for three months, July – September 1981. In September, the Bishop seconded him to join the Staff at Immanuel College of Theology, Ibadan. 

In the year 1987, his home Bishop, The Rt. Rev. E.O.I. Ogundana preferred him as the Statutory Canon of The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Sagamu in Remo Anglican Diocese. While lecturing in Immanuel College of Theology, the Bishop of Ibadan assigned all Anglican lecturers to assist in the Parishes within the Ibadan metropolis. Canon Sowale assisted at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Yemetu, Ibadan, Emmanuel Church, Ekotedo, and St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Agbowo, Ibadan, during his years of service at the college.

When Archbishop Olufosoye retired in 1989, Bishop G.I.O. Olajide was translated to Ibadan from Ilesa Anglican Diocese. He added to Ven Sowale’s schedule by making him the Chairman of Laity School of Theology, Molete – Ibadan. Ven Sowale was also made the Secretary of The Diocesan Development Committee. In the year 1991, The Rt. Rev. G.I.O. Olajide preferred him as Archdeacon in the Diocese of Ibadan.

Ven Sowale’s time of service at Immanuel College was brought to an end when he received Inter-Diocesan Transfer to the Diocese of Remo in July 1993. This was followed by the letter appointing him as the Provost from the Bishop of Remo Diocese, The Rt. Rev. E.O.I. Ogundana. 

During his seven years as Provost of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Sagamu, the Lord performed His signs, miracles, and wonders in his ministry. He started prayer vigil, mid-week Bible Study, and one great hour with the Lord in prayer. He made sure that the vast land at St. John’s Anglican Church, Ogijo, was fenced. He also fenced the Iwera land and other lands owned by the Cathedral. He built the Provost House facing Ewusi Street. It is an imposing ‘edifice’ house with five rooms for the Provost and three rooms for the children. It was at the stage of painting when he was elected as Bishop of Ilesa in March 2000.  

His consecration as Bishop of Ilesa took place at the Cathedral of Owerri, Imo State, on June 4, 2000. He was consecrated Bishop by the Most Rev. Jasper Akinola along with the Rt. Rev. Cattey. The consecration was the first in Primate Jasper Akinola’s primacy. The enthronement service took place at the Cathedral Church of St. John Iloro, Ilesa, on June 8, 2000. Bishop Sowale served as bishop of Ilesa diocese from June 8, 2000 till December 27, 2021. 

An erudite scholar and author, Bishop Sowale published the following works, Sacrifice in Yoruba Belief (Dip.Th. Thesis) 1977, Christianity in Sagamu 1940 – 1980 (B.A. Thesis) 1981, Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament (M.A. Thesis) 1983, Jesus, the Only Answer (Co-author with Solanke S.K, Igbari J.O., Akinlalu A.O., and Oyalana A.S.) – Daystar Press 1989. The Pulpit and the Pews: A Textbook on Homiletics – Niger Printing Works – 1988. The Concept of the Remnant in Old Testament Prophets (Ph.D. Thesis) 1991. Selected Choruses and Hymns for use at services and fellowship meetings, JOAS PRESS 1993. Evangelism and Outreach: What and How? Scripture Union Press, Ibadan – 1996. A guide to Pastoral Offices. Fatiregun Press, 2001. Living for the Kingdom. Fatiregun Press, 2010. A Handbook for Church Administration. Fatiregun Press, 2011.

A devout Anglican in whom there is no deceit, Bishop Sowale served the Church of Nigeria in the following areas: 

1.   Catechist, St. Luke’s Church, Ikere – Ekiti (January 1973 –
September 1974).

2.    Vicar, St. Peter’s Church, Iragbiji (July 1977 – December 1978).

3.    Assisting the Vicar of St. Paul’s Church, Odo-Ona, Ibadan; In charge of English Services (September 1979 – June 1981).

4.    Assistant Priest – St. James’ Cathedral, Oke-Bola, Ibadan (Sept. and Oct. 1981).

5.    Assistant Chaplain, Chapel of Resurrection, University of Ibadan (1983).

6.    Lecturer – Immanuel College of Theology and Christian Education (Oct. 1981 to July 1993).

7.    Assistant Priest – St. Mark’s Kitsilano, Vancouver, Canada (1984 – 1985).

8.    Chaplain – Immanuel College of Theology and Immanuel College Congregation (1985 – 1990).

9.    Principal – Ibadan Diocese Evangelical School (1988 – 1993).

10. Executive Secretary to the Bishop of Ibadan (January 1991 – August 1991).

11. Co-coordinator – Ibadan Diocese School of Theology (1988 – 1993).

12. Member – Remo Diocese Development Committee (1987 – 1999).

13. Secretary – Ibadan Diocesan Development Committee (1991 – 1993).

14. Provost – Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Remo (1993 – 2000).

15. Synod Clerical Secretary – The Diocese of Remo (1995 – 2000).

16. Chairman – Remo Diocesan Board of Evangelism (1993 – 2000).

17. National President – Vining College of Theology Akure Alumni Association (1992 – 2002).

18. Chairman – Sagamu Central Auxiliary Bible Society of Nigeria (1995 – 2000).

19. Treasurer – Ogun State C.A.N (1997 – 2000).

20. Diocesan Bishop – Diocese of Ilesa, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) June 2000 to 2021.

21. Chairman – Board of Governors of Archbishop Vining College of Theology, Akure (2002 – 2014).

22. Chairman – Ecclesiastical Provinces of Ibadan / Kwara Hostel Building Project at Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo (2006 – 2013).

23. Chairman – Church of Nigeria, Budget and Investment Committee (2008 to 2021).

24. Chairman – Head of Churches (CAN) Ijesa branches (2007 to 2021).

25. A member of the Board of Trustees, Bishop & Mrs. Olajide Foundation, Ibadan.

26. Member, Pension and Gratuity Committee of Supra Diocesan Board of Finance West.

27. Chairman / Director of Studies, Senior Clergy Training, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion (2010 to 2021).