Over the period of 21 years, Bishop Sowale has delivered these twenty bishop charges to the synod of Ilesa Anglican Diocese. A bishop charge includes teachings, exhortations and the prophesies regarding the will of God to the people of a diocese as received by the diocesan.


The word Canticle literally means “a little song,’ and is used to denote those unrhymed hymns which are chanted or otherwise sung in Divine Service.  With the exception of two, the..


The early church remembered that Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper on the night of the Passover meal (Luke 22:13-20).  The Passover Story; In Exodus 12, we have the story of the Passover, which was to be …


Then Paul presents the Good News that salvation is available to all regardless of a person’s identity, sin, or heritage.  We are saved by grace (i.e. unearned, undeserved favour from God) through faith (complete trust) in Christ and His finished work…


“Christian Stewardship” is a follow up of 2017 theme which is “Christian Fellowship”.  In 2017 Bishop’s Charge, we defined the word Christian looking at the time and place of its origin, author of the name, the spread of the name and the historical significance of the name which I like to reproduce here for the purpose of emphasis.…


This name, from very early times is the distinctive title of the followers of Jesus Christ, it occurred only thrice in New Testament


Jacob did everything, both right and wrong with great zeal.  He deceived his own brother, Esau and his father, Isaac.  He wrestled with an angel and worked for 14 years to marry the woman he loved.  He served Laban for 20 years.  Through Jacob, we learn how a strong leader can also be a servant.  We also see how wrong actions will always come back to haunt us…

And in Antioch the Disciples were for the first time evangelism - 2015

Evangelism is traced to the source of the universe.  The activity of God in the creation of the world and the preservation of the world shows God as the source of Evangelism…

Fatherhood - 2014

Fatherhood has its root from the word father.  Father is a male parent. The sentence ‘The child is father to the man’, means one’s childhood decides the way in which one will develop in later years.  Father is used as plural i.e. ancestor(s).  It connotes the sense of a founder or first leader, i.e…

Womanhood - 2013

The word womanhood is a compound word which comprises woman and hood.  He word woman is described as an adult human being, one with experience of society not young and innocent.  Womanhood is the state of being a woman…

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD - 2012

God values children so highly that children in this Bible passage are regarded as an heritage from the Lord.  Children represent the essence of discipleship which is coming to Jesus in humility and receiving His blessing…

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth - 2011

It is important to know that the word ‘Creator’ is one of the attributes of God.  Other attributes are: God is unique, He is immortal, He is Omnipotent, He is Omniscient, He is King and Judge, He is transcendent and He is holy…

pragmatic evangelism - 2010

Evangelism is traced to the source of the universe.  The activity of God in the creation of the world and the preservation of the world shows God as the source of Evangelism…